9425 Sunset Drive, Suite 124, Miami, FL, 33173
Phone 305-271-0100 | Fax 305-726-0096
Monday-Friday 9:00am-5:00pm EST

Electronic recording now available for most Florida counties

Real estate intelligence

wire fraud warning and prevention

The Closing Company  Title & Escrow is pleased to offer electronic recording for most counties in Florida.

What is electronic recording? Electronic recording is when your documents such as a deed or mortgage are sent electronically via the internet to the Clerk of Court of the county in which your property is located. The Clerk then reviews the document online and if acceptable, records it in the public archive and assigns a book and page number.

What benefits are there to the buyer with electronic recording?

  • Documents that are sent electronically are processed much faster than the ones sent via FEDEX . The average turanround time is 2-4 business days  (versus 3-8 weeks) depending on the county and the amount of documents in queue at that time.
  • That improved speed protects a buyer and registers title in their name.
  • This in turn, allows the title company to issue the final Owners Title Insurance Policy much faster
  • Any potential creditors of prior owners are unable to successfully lien a property in the name of the new owner
  • Finally, electronic recording is eco-friendly because it does not any fuel for shipping and delivery

Please call us 305-271-0100 or info@theclosingcompany.net with any questions.